ANGEL VIGIL Story Samples
Listen to three stories, the first a video of a TED Talk and the following two audio stories, from Angel’s vast repertoire of cuentos, traditional Hispanic stories.
The music tunes accompanying the stories are traditional folk music melodies.

This is one of six stories that tell about the lives of three generations of men in Angel's family. This is the story of the grandson and his grandfather - as they share their individual memories of shared experiences.

These first two are chistes, short anecdotal tales, with a comic twist at the end. This type of story is a great favorite of the Hispanic people of the Southwest.

The legend of La Llorona, the Weeping woman, is one of Mexico’s most powerful and enduring stories. The story of La Llorona exists in many variations throughout the Americas, extending northward into the United States Southwest. The origins of the tale are lost in antiquity. Hispanic parents use the story to warn their children to be good little boys and girls, or else “La Llorona will get you!” In this manner it is a classic “boogie man” story used to lightly scare and entertain children.